Ordering goods

Any order placed by you in the manner described in this site is an offer by you to purchase particular products for the price (including the delivery charges) specified on this site at the time you place your order.

You acknowledge that, by placing your order, you are agreeing to pay for and accept delivery of the goods ordered. Morrisons of Glenrowan may change the prices published on this website at any time. Prices of products placed in the basket but not paid for are also subject to change and you agree to pay the price current at the time of payment.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of prices, images and information displayed on this site, Morrisons of Glenrowan is not responsible for any error and reserves the right to accept or reject your offer for any reason, including without limitation, the unavailability of any product, an error in the price, image or the product description posted on this site, or an error in your order. We may require additional verification or information before accepting any order.

We only accept orders from within mainland Australia and Tasmania. Within this area, our policies as to delivery and returns apply as set out in these T&C’s.


All prices are exclusive of GST. Prices displayed on this site are current at the time of issue, but may change at any time and are subject to availability. Prices and availability of items are subject to change without notice.

Where permitted in all states, we reserve the right to limit sales, including the right to prohibit sales to re-sellers.